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Business Value

When you start using Business Central with your company’s data, you want to get started fast. During the learning phase, you might have made mistakes in how you set up value-added tax (VAT) posting, tax posting, or general posting. Also, company policies might change, resulting in making some posting setups obsolete. Blocking such setups helps users comply with company posting policies. This way, you’re of assured consistent posting, because only the valid setup can be used.

How does it work?

Feature Details

After an initial set up of the G/L accounts on a Posting Setup, later, when you further refine the setup, you might realize this setup was wrong. Business Central does not allow the deletion of VAT posting setup and general posting setup when there are entries created based on such configurations. But now you can use the Blocked field in the VAT/Tax Posting Setup or General Posting Setup page to prevent users from mistakenly using old, no longer relevant setup for new postings.

After an initial set up of the