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Arquiconsult’s 15 years of activity were celebrated with great enthusiasm in an event that brought together more than 250 people, including employees, customers and partners. Check out the CEO’s and different directors’ testimonials about the company’s evolution.

Arquiconsult’s 15 years of activity were celebrated with great enthusiasm in an event that brought together more than 250 people, including employees, customers and partners.

It was a day of socializing, where everyone could share stories experienced along this intense path, made up of a lot of effort and dedication. 15 years were marked by a team that was always present and committed, knowing how to rise to the challenges.


As Rui Santos, CEO of the company said, “success is anchored by all our employees, customers, partners and friends. We want to celebrate this milestone together with everyone who over these 15 years believed in us. We want to thank you for your confidence that motivates and drives us to do better and go beyond expectations. Today we are better because we work with the best.”


Review in this video the best moments of this great celebration and check out the CEO’s and different directors’ testimonies about the company’s evolution.



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