The absenteeism registration and approval process can be a time-consuming task, particularly for hierarchies with many employees. The Employee Portal allows you to manage all this information in a simplified way, with a record of change history and an aggregated team view so that you can make better decisions.
Vacation Management
Based on the vacation balance available for each employee, allow each employee to register their vacation plan and initiate the approval flow. Simplified holiday registration, in annual calendar format (16 months (12 + 4 months N +1) so you can have an overview of your plan.
When necessary, start a vacation plan change process independently and submit it for approval, the Employee Portal takes care of assigning the approval task to your hierarchical responsible. From the perspective of the approver, so that you have the possibility to view common periods of absenteeism before proceeding with the approval of an employee’s vacation plan, we provide the Team Map, where, in addition to a graphic view of your employees’ vacation plans, also you will be able to proceed with the Approval/Refusal of the same or suggest alternative days to the employee to those requested so that the entire approval process is simplified.
Plan History
The Employee Portal manages the vacation record by annual plan, which means that for each change request made by the employee, a new history entry is created, so that at any time you can consult previous versions of each employee’s vacation plan.
You need to know who has not started the registration
of the vacation plan, who has vacation days to consume/register?
All these needs common to all the organizations are available
on the Employee Portal simply and smoothly.
In addition to recording vacations, it is available for the employee to register a request for absence, with the attachment of supporting document(s). The Employee Portal will direct this absence request to your hierarchical responsible for approval, even before Human Resources have any intervention in the process. After approval, the registration will be directed to the DRH so that they can proceed with the absence registration according to the defined type of absence. The system assigns tasks as defined in the approval process, so DRH only has to intervene when strictly necessary.
All information stored in one place, with records of changes that are easy to access and not lost in a mailbox.
We Simplify Processes
With the implementation of the Employee Portal, we not only simplify Human Resources processes, but also streamline other processes in the organization related to employees. An example of this added value is the fact that hierarchical managers now have access to additional information without having to contact Human Resources, directly accessible in their access profile as:

Employees in your hierarchy on vacation or away

Aggregate team vacation view – Team map, days consumed, days to be consumed, absences.

Typology of absences in
your team

Elements with more absences

Absence justifications
With the existing dynamics in organizations, it is important to remember that an employee’s vacation period is approaching, not only for the employee himself but also for his/her manager, in this sense we provide not only notifications, 7 days before the next vacation period to remember As a result, as indicated in the Dashboard of each of the intervening parties (Employee and Hierarchical Manager), a vacation period is approaching.