How does it work?
Possibility of filtering the bank accounts entries for a certain date of the bank extract.
On the Bank Account Reconciliation page, usually there are many bank account movements lines, to make the job easier it is now possible to filter for a specific final extract date for those movements.
Automatic Reconciliation without work duplication
If the manual matching has already been made, and you want to use the Match Automatically, it is possible to do so without overwrite the work already done.
Reconciliation of N Lines of the Bank Statement to 1 Line of Bank Account Entries
Sometimes we have many Line Statement Bank that match only with one Bank Account Ledger Entry, it is now possible to reconcile N Line Statement Bank with only one Bank Account Ledger Entry.
Transfer of unreconciled Lines to Journal and matched automatically
After transferring the differences from the Bank Statement to the Journal, those lines that are posted in the Journal are automatically reconciled, with no need for the User to return to the Statement and reconcile them.