Collect training needs in a simple way, plan actions of training to be carried out, compare plan versions, simplify one of the legal requirements (Single Report), all with the use of the formation management module.
Put an end to mismatched training
The selected training courses, as well as the definition of employees to participate in them, are not always carried out in the best way possible, using spreadsheets and email, which sometimes leads to lengthy and error-prone processes.
With the training management module, not only the process of gathering needs is carried out in a centralized manner, whether globally available to the organization or specific Departments/Areas, but you also have full control over the questionnaires already answered or to be answered. Based on the collection of training needs, it also has the possibility of accelerating the process of creating the training plan, by generating the training actions to be carried out as well as a waiting list of trainees to enroll.
Make the training calendar available to all members of the organization and keep them always updated with the actions and contents of the available trainings. Support the definition of modules with different schedules and multi-trainer so that any interested parties have all the information available when deciding to participate in the training.
Due to the typical dynamics of the business world these days, changes or adjustments to the training plan are a reality, nevertheless we allow you to compare the different versions of the Training Plan, so that you have a full perception of what was planned vs. what was done.
The Employee Portal allows the collection of information about the execution of a specific Training Action as well as its global analysis through surveys that are fully configurable by you according to the criteria you consider relevant. The definition of surveys is carried out using the survey engine available in the system. In this way, after the completion of a training action, you have the possibility of automatically providing an individual response survey assigned to each of the trainees to collect their evaluation of the training action, on the other hand and in order to ensure that the organization is betting on the correct courses, a survey is made available to each of the trainees’ hierarchical heads to collect the effectiveness of the training. The availability of these surveys is configurable and defined by the training manager.
Dashboards, reports and more dashboards
The system’s implementation objective is not just for the organization, centralization of information, but for revealing a point of analysis that supports decision-making processes. In this sense, we provide “out-off-the-box” contextualized Dashboards by:
Course – Find out how many actions performed per course, training hours, its participants, trainers, suppliers, costs incurred and waiting list for future opportunities
Plan – Overview of the execution of your training plan, actions planned, in progress, not carried out, completed, waiting list, number of trainees, costs
If this is not enough, we offer the possibility of extracting the information to a spreadsheet format so that you can carry out your own analyses, however we provide a basic set of analyses/reports that have been improved over the years:
• Annual Activity Balance
Other reports:
• Declaration of participation
• List of graduates per action
• List of Training Needs
• Individual record of training received
• Waiting list
• Action Evaluation