As a result of the protocol established with the Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, Arquiconsult formalizes the hosting of 6 curricular internships for programming in Dynamics 365, with a perspective of admission and continuity for Arquiconsult’s staff.

As a result of the protocol established with the Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, Arquiconsult formalizes the hosting of 6 curricular internships for programming in Dynamics 365, with a perspective of admission and continuity for Arquiconsult’s staff.

The main objective of this protocol is to develop cooperation activities that reinforce the mutual interests of the institutions, namely in the areas of consultancy, research, training and curricular internships.

Arquiconsult is constantly growing, due to the increase of projects taking place inside and outside the country, and as such, it is receptive to the entry of new talents.

For both Arquiconsult and the Universidade Portucalense, this partnership is a huge asset, as the company has the possibility of increasing its team and the present educational institution to promote the performance of its students, guaranteeing their integration in the labor market with career development perspectives.


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