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2021 Was a great year for Dynamics 365 Business Central, Microsoft’s flagship ERP solution for small and medium businesses. In the past year, the number of organisations using this modern solution grew spectacular and doubled to over 22.000.

Microsoft also reported great progress in the availability of the solution worldwide, in the availability of certified extensions and in the number of active selling partners. So 2021 really was the break-through year for Business Central. And it looks like 2022 has even more in store!  

Organizations looking for a new ERP solution can choose from an extensive offering these days. But in today’s super competitive and increasingly digital world no organisation can afford mistakes in their selection process. After all, you buy and implement this type of solutions for long years. So that makes it even more important to choose a solution with a promising future.

With the start of a new year, it seemed a good idea to give an overview of the progress that Microsoft made in the year 2021 with Business Central.

Here are some of the most striking aspects of the market acceptance, growth and outlook.

  • Microsoft reported a spectacular growth of the number of Business Central customers from 11.000 at the start of the year to over 22.000 at the year-end. That’s a 100 percent growth!
  • Growth potential also depends on availability. Business Central is available now in 69 localised versions all over the world. And that is an increase of 40 percent compared with the start of the year
  • Business Central is a generic solution that is made suitable for customers by adding specific, industry-oriented partner solutions. These solutions are called extensions. In 2021, the number of extensions showcased in AppSource grew with 32 percent to over 1.850
  • Business Central is exclusively sold and implemented by Microsoft partners. In 2021, the number of active selling partners grew with no less than 65 percent to over 3.500
  • Microsoft started a project in 2021 to make Business Central implementations both faster, easier and cheaper. For sure, that’s another variable that can further accelerate growth!

Another important milestone in 2021 was Microsoft’s declaration of her bold ambitions. The company stated that it wants Business Central to become the best and the safest ERP solution of the world for small and medium companies.

Today’s business world depends more and more on proper data, provided by modern, innovative and user-friendly ERP solutions. Organisations that continue to deploy outdated systems based on traditional business processes run an increasing risk to get harmed. Both financially and in terms of customer satisfaction.

If you consider to modernize your current ERP solution in 2022, you do yourself a big favour by giving Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central a serious position on your shortlist.