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EMPLOYEE PORTAL Simplifying HR management

A portal that allows HR Manager manage and develop tasks, promoting greater proximity between the company and employees, unifying data in one place.

We have long gone beyond the ‘simple management’ paradigm, where managing people meant merely, admissions and absenteeism management, and payroll. Over time, HR management has as a principle that, the employee is a resource, now valued for his work capacity, adaptability to his activity and organization culture, in which he is inserted. And with this evolution, arises the creation of integrated management solutions that allow a 360º view of the organization.


One aspect to be considered today is the need for any tool to keep up with the evolution of the production process, characterized by mobility and the permanent need to be connected. We are witnessing the growing need to create tools that have an easy interconnection between HR and employees, in which they have access to their data and useful corporate information, such as internal procedures for task execution, existing benefits, training, safety standards, among others.


It is in this context that Employee Portal emerges, a portal that allows HR Manager manage and develop tasks, promoting greater proximity between the company and employees, unifying data in one place.


In an era of permanent technological evolution, it is necessary to create tools that simplify processes and reduce human error. A company that disposes an informatic system where all employee data is registered has a competitive advantage in its hands. You can filter a series of indicators that allows you to align the company’s objectives according to the human capital you have.


Have all the information on a single platform, operationalize internal management activities and have a broader view of where you can get the best out of your team, allowing you to readjust internal strategies, requalification and training actions, performance awards, detect and/or retain talents and encourage internal mobility.


With Employee Portal, a modular solution, in which companies integrate the modules according to their needs, we move towards a simplification of processes, in which the employees themselves become responsible for updating and managing their personal data, where the communication channel with HR department it is simplified and more complex operations, previously based on paper procedures, such as Performance Evaluation, Training Needs gathering or Application Management, are digitized and simplified.


The future is the creation of management tools for process flexibility and more direct communication between all organization members.


Employee Portal is composed by the following Modules:

  • Registration Data;
  • Expense Management;
  • Absenteeism Management;
  • Training Management
  • Performance Evaluation;
  • Recruitment and Selection;
  • Health and Safety



Advantages of Employee Portal in an organization:

  • A better Internal Communication;
  • Simplification and improvement of administrative processes, particularly in HR;
  • Decentralization of simpler and more common tasks that lead to an inefficient HR management;
  • Easy access to online information on Employee Registration, Attendance Management, Performance Evaluation, Training, and other information, creating a unique source of information;
  • Reliable Management Indicator;
  • Dashboard analysis with up-to-date information;
  • Possibility to organize your team easily and directly and retain your best resources;
  • Management tool that makes it possible to reward performance and enhance skills;
  • Ease task redistribution and workflows management, through effective and estimated absences of team members;
  • Effective training needs management;
  • Reduction of time and costs;
  • Increased efficiency and improved team productivity;
  • It is a tool that promotes ‘Empowerment’, by decentralizing tasks that become the responsibility of the Employee himself, facilitating management operations;
  • Promotes the Organization, as it is a communication vehicle of organizational culture, corporate events or, even, improvement suggestions.



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