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Arquiconsult.comSolutions /Human Resources Solutions / NavHR Payroll


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We provide a set of reliable and user-friendly applications, based on the ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, which simplify processes and make resources profitable, for greater efficiency in Human Resources Management. Streamline the Manager’s administrative and planning tasks, ensuring established workflows, as well as obtaining accurate data, including reports, analyzes and indicators, for the correct analysis of their activity. Because it is necessary to quantify and financially assess the cost of our Human Capital, we provide you with the right tools to operationalize all the tasks of the HR department, as well as extract the necessary data to support decision making.



The application that guarantees flexible salary processing, complemented by the Employee Portal.

Employee Portal

The web application where you can plan all your Human Resources development activities.

To find out more, access our NavHR factsheet

To find out more, access our NavHR factsheet

In order to provide an effective response to Human Resources, a solution was created based on the ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, capable of managing various administrative tasks and establishing essential work-flows for the proper functioning of an organization and which facilitates the extraction of reports , analyzes and indicators that support any manager.

In order to provide an effective response to Human Resources, a solution was created based on the ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, capable of managing various administrative tasks and establishing essential work-flows for the proper functioning of an organization and which facilitates the extraction of reports , analyzes and indicators that support any manager.

NavHR Testimonials

Navhr Solution-ERP Business Central
Module Wage Processing-Navhr-ERP Business Central



It is a reliable, user-friendly tool that brings together several processes arising from the administrative management of human resources:

• Payroll Processing;
• Recruitment & Selection;
• Performance evaluation;
• Training Management;
• Occupational Health and Safety Management.

NavHR allows you to generate reports based on Reporting Services and exportable to Microsoft Office Excel.




As the complexity of the items and the particularities of processing become more essential, it is a reliable tool that can aggregate data from employees, issue alerts for changes, cross-reference information, allowing the extraction of Official Reports determined by the competent bodies (ACT , Social Security, Tax Authority and others) and which also allows automatic integration with accounting, in order to complete the entire process inherent to Payroll.

Guarantees all this and also automatically sends the Receipt of Income, the Annual Income Tax Return and other documents.

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Trata-se de uma ferramenta fiável, user friendly que agrega em si vários processos decorrentes da gestão administrativa de recursos humanos:

• Processamento Salarial;
• Recrutamento & Seleção;
• Avaliação de Desempenho;
• Gestão da Formação;
• Gestão da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho.

O ARQHR permite-lhe gerar relatórios assentes em Reporting Services e exportáveis para o Microsoft Office Excel



À medida que a complexidade das rúbricas e as particularidades do processamento se adensam mais imprescindível é uma ferramenta fiável que consiga agregar os dados dos colaboradores, emitir alertas para as alterações, que cruze informação, que permita extrair os Relatórios Oficiais determinados pelas organismos competentes (ACT, Segurança Social, Autoridade Tributárias e outras) e que, ainda permita a integração automática com a contabilidade, de forma a concluir todo o processo inerente ao Payroll.

O garante tudo isto e ainda, o envio automático do Recibo de vencimento, a Declaração Anual de Rendimentos e outros documentos.

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Tasks Assured by NavHR in Pay-Roll

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Centralization of
Employee Data.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Structure Analysis.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Verification of Qualification Levels and Grades.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Attendance Control
and Marking.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Management of Employment Contracts.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Management of Attachments.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Manage Monthly Movement Approval Workflow.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Automatic calculation of indemnities and
proportional output.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Distribution of
Employee Costs.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Integration with Accounting.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Document management.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Management of
Medical Appointments.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Issuance of various reports.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Creation of Minutes.

-Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Marketing-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-Main-Tool-arqebi

Specific processes of the Civil Service (Salary Reductions, Daily Allowances, Family Allowance, Management of Contributions and ADSE Reimbursement).

Main benefits

Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Enterprise-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-collaborator company-compliance with GDPR-Entities Management for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Centralized data.

Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Enterprise-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-collaborator company-compliance with GDPR-Entities Management for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Creation of templates or document drafts.

Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Enterprise-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-collaborator company-compliance with GDPR-Entities Management for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Automatic calculation of indemnities and
output proportionals.

Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Enterprise-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-collaborator company-compliance with GDPR-Entities Management for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Control of the number, duration, trial period, prior notices of employment contracts, with centralized listing and email notification.

Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Enterprise-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-collaborator company-compliance with GDPR-Entities Management for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Flexibility in the calculation of fixed and variable remuneration, supported by a widely configurable structure.

Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Enterprise-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-collaborator company-compliance with GDPR-Entities Management for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Automatic submission of payslips and individual income statements via email (also available on the Employee Portal).

Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Enterprise-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-collaborator company-compliance with GDPR-Entities Management for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Registration change history.

Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Enterprise-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-collaborator company-compliance with GDPR-Entities Management for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Automatic management of garnishments.

Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Enterprise-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-collaborator company-compliance with GDPR-Entities Management for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Possibility of establishing work-flow for approving
the month’s movements.

Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Enterprise-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-collaborator company-compliance with GDPR-Entities Management for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Extraordinary and/or additional processing when necessary.

Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Enterprise-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-collaborator company-compliance with GDPR-Entities Management for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Distribution of employee costs over several analytical centers.

Dynamics 365 BC-Dynamics 365 Enterprise-Sales-Microsoft Dynamics 365-RGPD-Commerce-Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Navision-Microsoft-Softwares-collaborator company-compliance with GDPR-Entities Management for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Control and scheduling of attendance, with a structure for possible integration with time recording applications, immediate impact on maturities and possibility of managing balances such as current vacation accounts and compensatory rest.

In order to provide an effective response to Human Resources,
a solution was created based on the ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, prepared for Cloud, capable of managing various administrative tasks and establishing essential work-flows for the proper functioning of an organization and which facilitates the extraction of reports, analyzes and indicators that support any manager.

In order to provide an effective response to Human Resources,
a solution was created based on the ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, prepared for Cloud, capable of managing various administrative tasks and establishing essential work-flows for the proper functioning of an organization and which facilitates the extraction of reports, analyzes and indicators that support any manager.