/ Solutions /Human Resources Solutions / NavHR Payroll
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We provide a set of reliable and user-friendly applications, based on the ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, which simplify processes and make resources profitable, for greater efficiency in Human Resources Management. Streamline the Manager’s administrative and planning tasks, ensuring established workflows, as well as obtaining accurate data, including reports, analyzes and indicators, for the correct analysis of their activity. Because it is necessary to quantify and financially assess the cost of our Human Capital, we provide you with the right tools to operationalize all the tasks of the HR department, as well as extract the necessary data to support decision making.

The application that guarantees flexible salary processing, complemented by the Employee Portal.
Employee Portal
The web application where you can plan all your Human Resources development activities.
Tasks Assured by NavHR in Pay-Roll
Main benefits

Centralized data.

Creation of templates or document drafts.

Automatic calculation of indemnities and
output proportionals.

Control of the number, duration, trial period, prior notices of employment contracts, with centralized listing and email notification.

Flexibility in the calculation of fixed and variable remuneration, supported by a widely configurable structure.

Automatic submission of payslips and individual income statements via email (also available on the Employee Portal).

Registration change history.

Automatic management of garnishments.

Possibility of establishing work-flow for approving
the month’s movements.

Extraordinary and/or additional processing when necessary.

Distribution of employee costs over several analytical centers.

Control and scheduling of attendance, with a structure for possible integration with time recording applications, immediate impact on maturities and possibility of managing balances such as current vacation accounts and compensatory rest.