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Does your ERP or CRM implementation cover all success factors?

For many decades, the general idea was that success in ERP projects mainly depended on functionality. On functions and features. On the software solution as a whole. But we have learned through trial and error that good software alone is not enough for a successful long-term project. Today, it is about the combination of empowered employees, modern and customer friendly business processes and function rich software. So that is people, process and technology. But what does this all mean for the way you prepare for a implementation project? And what is the impact on the way you divide your budget and create your Request For Information documents?

Even the best and most expensive software of the world cannot modernise your business processes. Nor can it influence the mindset of your team. And make them more customer focused.

If you believe that the success of your next ERP/CRM project is not only dependent on the software, the consequence is that you also spend your budget and compose your RFI in a complete different way. Unfortunately, most of them today still have a strong focus on functionality.

Here’s a suggested layout.

People. This probably is the most important success factor! What is the impact of your initiative on your people? How do you get them into change mode? How do you ensure that they come forward with their best ideas? And what requirements does the software place on their skill sets?

Process. Often underestimated but super relevant for your customers. Implementing the right processes can make the difference between you and your competition. So what should be done to modernise your business processes? To make them more transparent, agile and customer oriented?

Technology. Of course, technology is important as well. Is the software able to meet all your current requirements? But look further than just today. What is the direction the vendor is heading? Is there a healthy future with the prospect of innovation and long-term continuity?

If you are really focused on achieving project success, then you would do well to use your energy, divide your budgets and compile your RFIs differently from now on. One-third focused on technology, one-third on your people and one-third on your process seems like a good starting point.