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They are two crucial elements that define unsuccessful ERP/CRM projects. The first common mistake is wanting to change too much at once. Have you seen that before? And the second fallacy is to allow old habits and practices in the new setting. Sounds familiar, right? If you are responsible for the success of the upcoming migration to a new version or a completely new implementation, you might want to use the MoSCoW methodology. This tool supports you to limit the scope of your project phases, while preventing obsolete practices and processes from integrating into the new system.

Organizations all over the world struggle with end-users who want far more functionality than they can actually handle. Besides, they tend to overestimate their capabilities in terms of available time, focus, skills, persistence and motivation.

An equally crucial success factor is migrating old processes and habits from the old to the new system only “because we’ve always done it that way”. This aspect is especially ineffective where organizations are forced to transform their business to stay relevant.

The MoSCoW methodology is a simple, yet effective tool that can help prevent you from stepping into these pitfalls while collecting the requirements for the new solution. MoSCoW is an easy to remember word in which 4 consonants are central. The M stands for Must. This concerns the functionality that is absolutely key to be able to work with the new version or solution. No compromises possible! The S stands for Should. Here we talk about important functionality, but just a little less important than with Must. The C stands for Could. This is the category of the so called ‘nice to have’ functionalities. And finally, the W stands for Won’t. This is the functionality from your current system that you don’t want to see again in the new system.

The strength of this tool lies in the understanding that success starts with making clear choices. Ideally supported by your management. The idea is to invite all departments to divide their wishes  over these 4 categories. It can be helpful to create some limitations per category in numbers or value of wishes to prevent smart colleagues from putting everything in the Must basket. All requirements that do not become part of this phase are given a new chance when defining the next project phase. Again based on MoSCoW of course!

Important is to focus on the last category; the Won’t. Here it is wise to include your complaints administration and customer satisfaction surveys. After all, this content best indicates where your customers think things should be improved.

Organisations that use the MoSCoW principles have a substantially greater chance of successfully completing their projects. So why wait any longer?